How it is in New South Wales 3

In 2021, thousands and thousands of people will lodge complaints with the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission about NSW doctors – it happens every year.

And how many of these thousands and thousands of people are on track to be told in 2021 that the HCCC agrees they have something to complain about, that a doctor they’ve seen hasn’t done a very good job – as opposed to those who will be told that they have nothing to complain about, in effect that they were stupid thinking they had a basis to complain?

5 or perhaps 6!!!!

This estimate is based on the fact that in the two or so months up until 9 Mar. 2021, there was 1 like that.

(Shown below is a list of the HCCC’s media releases for 2021, as taken from it’s own website on 9 Mar. 2021, confirming this.)

It’s been going on for years! It’s quite farcical!

Of course, nothing’s going to change while Gladys Berejiklian remains the Premier and Brad Hazzard remains the Minister for Health – they’ve each held their positions for more than four years during which they haven’t lifted a finger to bring about change. 

Not that there seems to be the slightest indication that it would be any different if Jodi McKay became the Premier and Ryan Park became the Minister for Health.

(At times we wonder if the Health Care Complaints Commissioner, Sue Dawson, is acting on orders from the likes of Premier Berejiklian – “Don’t find too many complaints to be justified – otherwise the people of NSW may think we haven’t got a very good health system.” But, at other times, we dismiss this as ridiculous.)

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